Contact Us

For all queries, repairs or to provide feedback, please contact your local branch.

Contact your local branch:

South London and Kent

Tel: 0300 111 1710

General Email:

Complaints & Compliments Email:

North & East London and Essex

Tel: 0300 111 1510

General Email:

Complaints & Compliments Email:

North England

Tel: 0300 111 1610

General Email:

Complaints & Compliments Email:

Devon and Cornwall

Tel: 0300 111 1410

General Email:

Complaints and Compliments

We aim to provide excellent customer service, but recognise that sometimes we might fall short of your expectations. If something goes wrong and you are not happy with our service, please contact us to let us know. We will try to sort things quickly but if you would like us to log a complaint, we will investigate it accordingly.

We would also love to hear from you if you have any positive or constructive feedback to offer. We're always looking for examples of where we did well so that we can make sure we deliver that type of service consistently across all our operations.

Read more about our complaints and compliments process, here.