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Care Forum shaping home care services in King's Lynn

Mears who provides home care services to 450 people in and around King’s Lynn has launched a Care Forum to allow older and disabled people who receive care services to share their views and shape the way that care services are provided. The day was fuelled by fairy cakes, hot cross buns and gallons of tea and coffee service. Many people travelled a long way to take part including Hilary and her mother Phileeda from Brighton.The first event brought together Mears staff, customers and their families to exchange knowledge and shape services. The Forum also gave Mears staff the opportunity to share their skills and find out what information people would find useful. Learning basic IT skills topped the list and will be the focus for the next Care Forum.Karen Sepping, Kings Lynn Branch Manager said: “It was lovely to see so many people taking part and the staff really enjoyed it too. We are all looking forward to the next one.”Steve a customer said: “I had a fantastic time today and it was wonderful to meet new people. I cannot wait for the next event.”Kevin Smith, Business Partner, Customer and Community Services said: “This was a fantastic start for us everyone enjoyed themselves it gave our customers an opportunity to get out and about and meet new people, while we have gained ideas which will help us to continue improving the services that we provide.”The next forum will be held in six months and will focus on IT with staff offering advice and top tips on basic IT. For more information contact 01553 816 470.


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