Following the most recent updates from the Government around the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we are now in a situation where only essential work will be carried out on site, with most staff working from home.
A proportion of the Group’s housing activities and its remaining care activities are regarded by Central Government as essential services. In addition, we provide emergency maintenance services and our Housing clients will wish to ensure that those services continue to be delivered.
We have been co-ordinating with our clients – local authorities, central government and housing associations to agree which works are essential. We would like to thank all our clients for their understanding and support at this time.
Key worker definition
There is published guidance on what constitutes a key worker, and this includes all our care staff. However, where our work is not with a Central Government office, Government is asking firms like Mears, to consult with their Local Authority client to confirm, which of our staff locally should be treated as key workers. As an example, one council has already stated that Mears staff in their area should be treated as key worker staff.
Why are we still carrying out non-essential (emergency) works?
We are establishing with our clients, what constitutes essential/emergency works and will be communicating with our teams, so we only deliver what’s been agreed and frontline operations do not feel like we are putting them at risk needlessly.
Social Distancing in vehicles
Mears colleagues will not travel to and from work in a shared company vehicle (van), as this breaks the social distancing rule. Therefore, the decision has been taken to only allow one colleague in a vehicle at any time. Obviously, we still need to make sure the right number of colleagues are on site to safely and effectively carry out the work, making sure they follow the current guidance and do not put themselves at risk.
We would like to thank colleagues, clients and customers for your ongoing support at this unprecedented time - we really appreciate and value the way everyone is working together. Please stay safe.