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Dedication ceremony thanks contractor

Shiloh, a homeless charity in Rotherham, which was once at risk of becoming homeless itself, said thank you to the principal company who rescued them from homelessness.

Shiloh, which helps adults living in poverty to rebuild their lives by providing food, support and information about health and housing, was put at risk when its premises were announced unfit for purpose in September 2010 for no longer meeting fire regulations. The charity faced having to close its doors for good, until Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council offered it the use of a disused gymnasium. Unfortunately the building was a complete shell and needed to be entirely renovated and fitted out in order to make it viable for Shiloh's use.

It was at this point that repairs and maintenance service provider Morrison came forward and offered its assistance as part of its community development programme, including project managing the entire build and providing all of the labour and tools free of charge. Work on the building was completed at the beginning of August 2012.

At a dedication ceremony, Sarah Champion MP and the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress of Rotherham unveiled a Plaque dedicating the main lounge as the "Morrison Room". Sarah Champion MP stated "Shiloh epitomises all that is good about Rotherham.  It is collaboration between local people, local businesses and the Council to support people that need our help the most.  Without the passion and commitment of the volunteers it would not exist and I dread to think where that would leave our most vulnerable".

Mark Waterhouse, Regional Director, Morrison said: "When those who help others, need help themselves, we stepped in. It has been an amazing project to be involved with it is a humbling experience to have been recognised this way. Shiloh is only a small charity but we know it makes a big difference to those in need; to have had to shut our doors because of a lack of suitable premises or finance would have been truly devastating for the people who rely on Shiloh's support."


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