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Ealing care provider is 'champion'

Mears Care, which provides home care and support services to over 240 people living in Ealing have just been awarded full marks by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) the body that inspects and regulates care services in England.

In an unannounced, routine inspection the CQC assessed the local team of 120 care workers providing care services to people of all ages and abilities including; supported living, home care and helping people get home from hospital.  CQC judged the team on five areas; care and welfare of people who use services, requirements relating to workers, staffing, complaints, records. The CQC awarded Mears with full marks in each of these categories.

The CQC spoke with thirteen people who used the service with people saying they thought staff were trained to a good standard and the level of care was high. One relative stated; "My care is excellent, if I want something the office give it to me", another commented "they're champion"

People and relatives that the CQC spoke to said they were; ""they are friendly and kind" and "we're very well looked after."

Sheila OBrien, Manager of Mears Ealing said; ''We are very pleased to see that not only have we passed all the CQC's standards but the customer feedback was exceptional."




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