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Full Marks for Linton Extra Care Scheme

Mears Care, who provide care to 42 people living in their own flats at Nichols Court in Linton have just been awarded full marks by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) the body that inspects and regulates care services in England.

 In an unannounced, routine inspection the CQC assessed the team who provide personal care to residents. Assessed were the following five areas; respecting and involving people who use services, care and welfare, management of medicines, staffing and assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision. CQC awarded Mears with top marks in each of these categories.

 The CQC spoke with people who use the service with one person stating "The care staff give is very good, they fall over backwards to help." Another commented, "Staff are very good, very helpful and very patient."

The CQC in their report following the visit commented that 'Staff were recruited well, with all required checks in place before they started their employment. Staff undertook a thorough induction, which included working alongside experienced staff and undertaking training in relevant topics so that they were equipped to carry out their role.

Care planning documents were written in a personalised way and gave staff detailed guidance on the care each person required to meet their needs.'

Charlotte Whitehouse, Care Manager at Nichols Court said; 'The team work really hard to provide the best possible care and support.  We are delighted that the CQC has recognised what we do and has awarded us top marks.'



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