Mears, the leading provider of home care and support services, has received another grade 5 (Very Good) rating by Scotland’s Care Inspectorate for its supported living services in MacDuff.The Mears team provides services to people who require extra support to help them continue living in familiar surroundings and in comfort at home. It assists individuals of all ages with a range of complex needs, including learning difficulties, mental health problems, physical disabilities and autism spectrum disorders.In the unannounced inspection, which took place over five days, the Care Inspectorate reported that “The service was very good at treating people they supported as individuals. Staff worked hard to support people to live healthy, interesting and active lives.”When Mears first took over the business in August 2011, it was graded as 2 (Weak), and the team has worked hard to achieve consecutive increases in grades since then.Sara Wilkinson, Divisional Service Manager for Mears in Aberdeenshire, says: “The rating reflects our enhanced delivery of high acuity health care needs and support, as well as our working relationships with other healthcare professionals – such as speech and language therapists, community nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists and occupational health practitioners – to the great benefit of the people we support.”As well as working on contract to the local authority, the company’s services are also provided on a private basis to those who want to augment the care they receive through the council, or have other requirements for support.Mears care provides care and support at home to over 40,000 people each week across the UK, providing a trusted, flexible service to support people’s different needs. Its services include respite care, re-ablement care following an episode of illness or stay in hospital, domiciliary care for day to day domestic and personal support, live-in 24 hour care as well as palliative care.