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Mears and Soha Housing partnership celebrates 10,000th repair

Staff at Mears Oxfordshire and Soha Housing are celebrating after reaching a key milestone in their response repairs and voids contract. The locally based team celebrated the 10,000th repair with Miss Goodenough of Didcot on Thursday 24 May. The contract between Mears and Soha Housing commenced in September 2013.Mears was selected after a comprehensive and competitive tendering process. The three year contract was awarded by Soha’s operational team which involved a Tenant Panel in the preparation and selection process. Since the start of the contract customer satisfaction levels have risen to over 90%.Regional Director for Mears Adrian Marshman said: “Mears and Soha Housing have a joint goal in mind and that is to repair the homes of local tenants whilst ensuring high levels of satisfaction. Undertaking the 10,000th repair marks an achievement for us both and we are proud to be part of such a fantastic working partnership.”Lee Hayward, Soha Assistant Director of Customer Services explained: ‘’We see repairs as one of our key services and rely on feedback from tenants such as Mrs Goodenough to know how we are performing.’’


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