This is the third year Mears has made the list. We ranked:
- 23rd – in the UK’s 25 Best Big Companies to Work For
- 10th – in the Construction & Engineering’s 10 Best Companies to Work For
- 9th – in London’s 10 Best Big Companies to Work For
We also featured in South West’s, Yorkshire & The Humber’s and The East of England's Best Companies to Work For lists.
Earning a Best Companies accreditation is a recognition that Mears understands the importance of workplace engagement and genuinely values its people by using honest feedback to make Mears an even better place to work.
Executive Director of Mears Group, Alan Long, said:
“We are very proud to have achieved this recognition for the third time in a row. This year we’ve not only retained and improved our ranking in the top 25 Best Big Companies to work for list, but we have also ranked in sector and regional lists as well.
Mears has always heavily invested in training our colleagues, providing them with the skills and equipment to deliver great service. This accolade goes to show that we are creating the right culture where people feel that they can thrive.
“Our regular surveying shows that our colleagues want transparent and regular communication from the business about how we stand financially and honesty in our approach to any business changes. Our staff want to work for an organisation that values them and the communities in which they live. They want an organisation that treats people fairly and gives them the opportunity for personal development.
“Like all businesses, the past year has been challenging for us and we as an employer have strived to do everything we can to show support.
“The people at Mears have done an outstanding job, taken on the challenge and worked with professionalism and commitment to go that extra mile to provide something outstanding to the people whose lives we support.”
Jonathan Austin CEO & Founder of Best Companies, said:
“I would like to congratulate Mears on achieving a place on the 2021 Best Companies to Work For Lists. Being named as a Best Company is something that organisations the length and breadth of the nation strive for - but only the very best achieve.”
This article has been featured in Local Authority Building & Maintenance Magazine