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Mears Funday Scotland - Another Roaring Success

Our annual Fun Day in Scotland was a roaring success as nearly 1,500 Mears colleagues and their families gathered at M&D’s theme park.

Mears Fun Days are organised as a big ‘thank you’ from the Executive team to all Mears colleagues. The Fun Day in England earlier in the year attracted over 7,000 colleagues.

With sole use of the park for the whole morning, colleagues enjoyed exclusive use of the all the rides and roller-coasters as well as the Amazonia, an inside tropical rainforest, as well as street food and snacks.

We also had our special Mears Zone which welcomed colleagues with inflatables and music, and raised money for the Mears Foundation charity, which invests in projects that help and support vulnerable people in the community.

A big thank-you to everyone for their generous donations and to everyone who attended and helped make this event a success once again.

Quote from colleagues:

"Just like to say thanks for a great day at M&Ds – the kids loved it and we will definitely be going to future events. Well done everyone involved." 

"The day has just been great! It's great for Mears to organise an event like this for its employees."

Find all the photos from the event on our Facebook page.


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