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Mears Peterborough helps to fight isolation and loneliness

One in three people over 65 will die with dementia. This shocking statistic and the real experience of supporting people living with dementia prompted Mears Care staff in Peterboroughto take part in Dementia Awareness Week 19 – 25 May.Michelle Forbes, Mears Branch Manager said: “Our service supports people with dementia and helps them remain living in their own homes as long as possible. One of the really difficult aspects of growing older is that you can gradually become isolated and experience feelings of loneliness. This can be even worse for people living with dementia, so we decided to take the opportunity to do something about it.”During Dementia Awareness Week, Michelle and her members of the Mears Care team visited five older people in Peterborough who are alone and living with dementia. Each was giving a small gift pack which included a crossword book, a pen, a booklet about dementia and a cake. The pack was very well received, in particular the crossword book - as keeping the mind active can help control the symptoms of dementia.

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Michelle continued: “Everyone enjoyed our company and seemed overwhelmed with the small gifts. It’s a fantastic thing to do and an ideal way to address the issue of isolation and loneliness. All of us can make a difference by taking the time to chat to older people, helping them in the supermarket or just keeping an eye on our elderly neighbours.”Alzheimer’s Society provides a National Dementia Helpline, the number is 0845 300 0336 or visit


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