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Mears retains TPAS Accreditation for the 3rd time

Mears is thrilled to have retained its TPAS Quality Standard Mark for the third time in a row, after passing the 3-yearly assessment. The TPAS accreditation demonstrates Mears’ commitment to supporting landlords and encouraging tenant involvement. This Quality Mark for Contractors is an assessment of the standard of resident involvement in responsive repairs, maintenance and capital works contracts which ensures best practice for three consecutive years.Mears first attained the TPAS Standard in 2006 when it became the first contractor or supplier to pass the assessment. The rigorous process involves a framework to self-assess resident involvement, which is then tested through reality checks such as visits and interviews. Finally there is a TPAS Scrutiny Panel meeting to decide if the required standards have been achieved.Areas of Mears’ good practice which were highlighted included tenant conferences and the Mears Change Club involved residents in developing Mears policies and procedures. Mears also runs tenant training sessions on beginners DIY and basic repairs, as well as offering energy efficiency advice and tips to tenants and local schools.Michelle Reid, Chief Executive of TPAS, said “”We’re delighted that Mears has successfully re-accredited with TPAS. By completing the rigorous process to become an accredited housing contractor, Mears have once again demonstrated their continuing commitment to the values we share. TPAS believe that involving tenants in all aspects of service delivery in the housing sector is not only the right thing to do but also makes great business sense. We look forward to sharing the stories of how Mears have used the accreditation process to achieve success by working together with tenants.”Sarah Barrett, Head of Customer & Community Services at Mears added “All of us at Mears, whether in a tenant facing role or not, work incredibly hard to deliver excellent service every single day. We are delighted that TPAS, the leading organisation in tenant involvement, recognise this and are prepared to accredit our business with their quality standard”.


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