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Serving up a treat for the homeless

Local repairs and maintenance firm Morrison served homeless people in Rotherham a slap-up Christmas meal with the help of charity Shiloh.

Shiloh, which helps adults living in poverty to rebuild their lives by providing food and support relies on the support of the local community and leapt the opportunity for their kitchen to be handed over to Morrison.

Morrison have collected tins of food over the months leading to Christmas and delivered these ready to distribute to the needy, a Christmas roast dinner and mince pies were cooked and served by an army of Morrison volunteers to over 100 people. Deputy Mayor Barry Dodson arrived showing his support for the good cause and commented 'Nice to see the team work that is behind this great cause, what fantastic community spirit.' Also in attendance was Councillor Mahroof Hussain and Councillor Rose M. McNeely.

Johnathon Lang from Shiloh added 'We could not have done this without the help of Morrison, we are grateful for all of the support.'

Andy Chambers, Manager for Morrison said: "Shiloh is only a small charity and we know how showing our support makes a big difference to those in need, we were delighted to have been able to help.'



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