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Wallsend care is as 'good as gold'

Mears Care, which provide home care and support services to over 270 people living in Wallsend have just been awarded full marks by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) the body that inspects and regulates care services in England.

In an unannounced, routine inspection the CQC assessed the local team of 90 care workers providing care services to people of all ages and abilities including; supported living, home care and helping people get home from hospital.  CQC judged the team on five areas; care and welfare of people who use services, respecting and involving people who use services, management of medicines, staffing and monitoring the quality of service provision. The CQC awarded Mears with full marks in each of these categories.

The CQC engaged with thirty people who use Mears Care's services, including relatives. One relative commented "They are very supportive towards my mother in every way."

Another person commented "I have no problems at all, they are as good as gold, I can ask them to take me anywhere and they will."

People told the CQC that they had the same team of care workers who they were familiar with and described them as "very good," and "very supportive."

Kelly Rickelton, Manager of Mears Care Wallsend said; ''The team work really hard to provide the best possible care and support to each and every person.  We are delighted that the CQC has recognised that we treat everyone as an individual and has awarded us full marks."



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